Ebola virus is beginning just attacking animals. But because there is a man who touched the body fluids of infected animals and the consumption of fruit Ebola consumed Ebola-infected animals. In the end the most important causes us no transmission of the Ebola virus into the human body. Unlike the dengue virus is indeed transmitted through the bite of a mosquito animals in this matter.
The Following Step Ebola Virus Attacks :
Ebola virus was found the first time to attack in 1976 in Zaire which is now known as Congo. And at the end of 1976 also took place Ebola virus attacking a problem in Sudan who eventually died.
Ebola virus can be proven to have the deployment step through feces, blood contact, and the contact body fluids such as semen, saliva, sweat, urine. In this medical officer troubleshooting ebola virus patient must wear a costume that has been sprayed with antiviral drugs. Until the problem can avoid the occurrence of Ebola infection in patients with medical personnel. A person who endure Ebola generally will be confined in isolation rooms and intensive care. As well as ebola patients who lack body fluids usually infusion.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) has not been the discovery of drugs for the treatment of disease ebola, making ebola disease patient mortality increase. WHO explained that when the ebola virus has an incubation time in 2-21 days to cause signs of disease ebola. When incubation ebola virus in the body can begin to be calculated after the prospective patient ebola touching blood or body fluids of Ebola patients.
Patients will begin transmitting ebola ebola virus in a when indeed have cause early signs such as muscle and joint pain, sore throat, headache, and fever. When you have tasted all the early signs of the Ebola virus. So well did the control immediately next to the residence of the closest hospital. Not only the initial signs, ebola virus which has infected a course would lead to poorer gelala the discharge of blood from inside and outside the body of the patient ebola. If the patient has ebola remove the blood from inside and outside the agency. So the opportunity to experience the overall healing namely 0, 1%.
The initial signs in patients with Ebola in fact the same as malaria, meningitis, typhoid, and other diseases are caused by bacteria. Of so many patients to know there are a lot of ebola ebola patients to recover. But ebola patients who recovered were generally receive care and medical treatment early. With it can lower the risk of death due to ebola virus. In teams of experts now know the virus from various organizations in the world is still not able to find a vaccine that is fitting to make a protection against Ebola virus. So it is advisable to keep a distance with the patient awake ebola