How To Make Millions In Business With Just A Few Dollars

How To Make Millions In Business With Just A Few Dollars. Starting a small business is as tough as ever. Probably the most difficult task of the process is finding funding. Much of the time, you have to just do it yourself.
How To Make Millions In Business With Just A Few Dollars

It’s not an insurmountable task. Even if your business involves a service or selling a product, you can hook yourself up. But you have to learn to be a lean, mean saving machine in order to gain those fat profits down the line. The key is eliminating waste… cutting anything that doesn’t add value to your product or service.

Here are some tips to help you:

Re purpose – You don’t have to buy new equipment, new furniture or a state-of-the-art copy machine to set up shop (unless you are into something so artsy, it requires a sparkling image). If you can get a tax return done and save your client a boatload of money, he/she doesn’t care if it was done on a fancy mahogany desk or a beat-up table. And your business doesn’t have to start with an office.

A lot of you can work out of your homes or even apartments by converting an extra room or the garage or even the corner where you keep your desk. Heck, if you do tax returns or some other form-driven business, you can use the kitchen table! And you know what the best part of that is? Besides the fact that you aren’t going to have to pay to rent an office, it will help you when it comes to tax time. Yep. Your house mortgage or rent is now partially tax deductible.

Back to re purposing… if you need a desk or table or any kind of equipment, much of it can be found at second-hand stores. That goes for copiers, too. You’d be surprised what you can find at the local Goodwill or Salvation Army. And copy paper and supplies are just as good from Wal-Mart or Target as they are from big name office 

Network and Barter – Work with other people that may need what you offer in exchange for something that you need. It will help with cash flow. And paying cash for something is usually less costly than paying with credit. Back to bartering… this takes some thinking and it may take some sacrifice. It depends on what you need and what your neighbor or friend needs. For example, maybe your pal has an extra laptop and you have an X-Box. He’s always at your house playing with the X-Box, so… think. Is that X-Box more important than your business? If your business takes off, you can replace it anyway!

Bartering is more common than you think. It’s all around you, every day. You probably do it and don’t even think about it. Did you tell your manly neighbor you would make him some cookies if he helped you put up your new desk? That’s bartering… now you just have to think about it on a grander and business-like stage.